About Our Products
We appreciate your visit and purchase in our online store with Lavedo Professional Camouflage Cosmetics & Medical Skincare.
With the myriad of products to choose from in the current market, each vying for attention, one could easily become lost as to which products are right for them.
All the products are hand-picked by Lavedo Doctors to be effective or useful, with in depth unbiased discussion on their ingredients and usage. Based on this, we do not sell ALL products from a single line. Rather we select the most useful medical cosmetics from different lines. It is better to select the products that are right for you, rather than keep on changing different lines without really knowing what you are putting onto your skin. Further questions can be asked under our discussion forum. Your suggestion or advice to us is really appreciated!
All products in our store are obtained from legitimate distributors and manufacturers to ensure quality. We do not sell bootleg version of products that are cheaper but without quality guarantee. Thus our price of products cannot be comparable to online stores that sell non-legitimate products.
Only noteworthy products are selected and sold on this site.